Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Signed up for our homestudy!

We decided to sign up for our homestudy today. YAY!

Still not sure when we will be ready to push forward, as Chris asked me what we had to do if the homestudy expired (1 year) - but who knows, we may hit the jackpot - or win the lottery - or something???

I have seen a few adopters doing different fundraisers.. and asking for help with donations.. trying to figure out a good way to do that. ??? Any way, one step forward. Three more people with our agency got "The call" today and will be leaving in a week or so. Two people just met their children today, and one just got home with theirs. Our agency Rocks!!


Amy said...

You two are cracking me up! It's great when time is on your side and you can afford to set the pace!

I think on the homestudy you just have to have it "updated" if it expires...

Nichole said...

Congrats on making progress!

Anonymous said...

Look at the finacial aspect in the way you would if you found out you were pregnant. You can't always have the perfect $$ plan in place. Borrow from your 401K that way all of the interest you pay back goes into your pocket not someone elses, and with the crappy market right now you won't really loose out on making big $$ on the investment-- perfect timing for that! By my estimates you are about 4 mos pregnant with this adoption. ; ) Get Max that little brother! Seriously, if we all waited until the perfect time to grow our families, it would never happen-- go with your heart.