Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We may have to wait

Chris and I have talked quite a bit - and right now is just not a good time (money) to adopt. We are both in real estate and the market just keeps getting worse and worse. I am pulling out my hair to try and find a new vocation.. maybe teaching, maybe pharmaceudical sales.. who knows. We are also a bit worried about adding to our family. We have it pretty darn good right now. Max is absolutely a wonderful little guy. I would love to give him a brother - and have someone for him to bond with and pal around with, but worry that it will take a lot of the attention away from Max. We think he deserves to be the center of attention - for a while anyway. We also worry that we won't be as lucky if we try again. Max had no adjustment or attachment problems and is just a healthy little bundle of joy. My friend Sami keeps telling me that "Max is perfect" and we won't get another Max. I know that - but know that we do have plenty of love to give another little boy. We just have to keep praying until we know what to do. So for now - I am sad to say - we are putting our adoption on hold!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Signed up for our homestudy!

We decided to sign up for our homestudy today. YAY!

Still not sure when we will be ready to push forward, as Chris asked me what we had to do if the homestudy expired (1 year) - but who knows, we may hit the jackpot - or win the lottery - or something???

I have seen a few adopters doing different fundraisers.. and asking for help with donations.. trying to figure out a good way to do that. ??? Any way, one step forward. Three more people with our agency got "The call" today and will be leaving in a week or so. Two people just met their children today, and one just got home with theirs. Our agency Rocks!!