Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hard Decision Made

We have been thinking and praying about it for about a month now, and have decided that we will not be adopting again at this time. We know that we are very fortunate in that we have a wonderful little guy already, and just love him more and more each day. I watch the way our wonderful agency is bringing joy to its families, and I cry each time I read that someone "Got the call" or finished court and can bring their little ones home to a great life. I want to say that Lighthouse has been the best agency that I have ever heard of, and we will definately use them should our situation change. I want to wish everyone the best of luck in their adoptions. These children are the greatest gift anyone could receive, and the process - while it can be heartbreaking and frustrating and patience testing - is the most exciting and rewarding journey of a lifetime. I think everyone should experience it. - - T